How to treat varicose veins in legs for women: all the methods

Additional points of interest include vascular malformations of the most common is considered to be varicose veins that mostly affects the lower part of the people. Today's statistics show that every third inhabitant of the planet is the patient phlebologists reason is problems in the vessel your feet. Among them are a third of the patients were women, therefore, are questions about how to treat varicose veins of the feet in women, the most recent.

varicose veins the legs in women

Because the danger is more often women, modern medicine and non-traditional methods of working out various ways of prevention and treatment of varicose veins. One can affect the uniquely — treatment of varicose veins must deal with the profile of the specialist, a vascular surgeon. In addition, is treatment in women must be based on two principles — systemic and complex.

Signs of varicose veins of the feet in women

That timely detection of varicose veins in women, it is important to know the specifics of this disease, as well as what symptoms may signal its development. Varicose veins — it is a pathological process, if to be more specific the increased risk of venous lumens any resulting decrease in the elasticity and tone of vascular walls. This leads to abnormal stretching of the walls of the blood vessel, reflux of blood to spoil the veins and the valves and the stagnation of the blood.

The disease is characterized by a long period of time and the slow mechanism of development, in this context, the detection of varicose veins of the feet is very difficult in the initial stages. Violation of blood flow can take years before a woman feels that her understanding is the first signs of varicose veins. Symptoms early stage — it is a feeling of heaviness, swollen feet and fatigue.

Such symptoms are often noticed by women, that since professional activities have a long time to spend in one position of the body. Hereinafter may arise also other symptoms of varicose veins:

  • bulge the walls of the blood vessels on the skin surface;
  • manifestation of vascular mesh on the legs;
  • the appearance of cardiovascular number of stars;
  • itching in the area of manifestations of veins;
  • cramps in the calf muscle unintentional pooh character, especially at night.

To contact a specialist matter, if it is detected in at least one of the listed symptoms. To advise on these issues may be a therapist, a vascular surgeon or other Than the tighten hike to the doctor the symptoms of varicose veins of the incremental blood clots, if the projecting nodes are large varicose veins, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of veins), but also the appearance of venous ulcers of the skin of the feet.

The causes of the

If the specialist can't detect the precise reasons for the development of cardiovascular pathology, to treat varicose veins of the feet in women is practically impossible. The disease requires to investigate its etiology and assumptions, after removing, from which it is possible to suppress the disease process. Before the doctor rises to the task is to search for those reasons which have led to disruption of the blood outflow.

Lead veenilaiendidy may be excessive collection of blood in the lower limbs, difficulty to drain the blood from the blood vessels up, which leads to the hereinafter referred to as the deformation of blood vessels, the fragility and sensitivity of the vascular walls, hereinafter referred to as the damage to the wall. First of all, begin to expand the vein, followed by the skin of the feet publish the enlarged wall, a bulge and assembly.

Because of such damage the vascular walls is to stand in the lymph, then provoke the occurrence of swelling, feelings of difficulty and pain. On the feet starts to deteriorate the skin, which is itching and in life to cope.

Most often at risk the varicose veins of the divided into the following categories of women:

  • age over 30 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • obesity or being overweight;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • predisposition and heredity at veenilaiendidy.

In addition, here the same as doctors call them wife, that already for a long time is in one position of the body, sitting or standing. It is necessary to understand, that if not treated varicose veins lead to the most difficult consequences of necrosis, thrombosis, ulcers, and eczema.

Medications (gels and ointments) external use

Varicose veins can medical treatment of predominantly 1 and 2 stage of development, if diagnosed in 3 stages, the chances of suppression of pathology small. Treatment should be complex, if drug therapy doctors usually prescribe parallel to the reception medicine for internal application and outdoor application.

Most often it is the local treatment of varicose veins means the application of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments and gels, which returns vessels elasticity, strength, and normal in shape and improve blood circulation. In addition, the doctor may prescribe these ointments, which relieve pain syndrome. Also eliminate the acute symptoms of varicose veins can ointment and cream based on heparin and indomethacin.

signs of varicose veins

Pills varicose veins of

As already mentioned earlier, then if the varicose veins in women is reached in 2 or 3 stages of development, the treatment a doctor to determine the oral form of the date of the special medications used in complex with resources outside the application. Tablets may be pain-killers and anti-inflammatory means

Most of the requirements count pills varicose veins are special medicines that improve the blood microcirculation and the blood outflow, as well as reduce the degree of permeability of vascular walls. In turn, impede the means of the appearance of stagnant processes in the blood, improving its offset.

Surgical intervention

Surgically treat varicose veins in legs for women is only possible if the medical treatment is proved ineffective and your doctor gives appointments cardinal methods of treatment. The most frequent operation, make the patients that suffer from varicose veins of the legs 3 and 4 stage. If, however apart from that, doctors look at a chronic venous failure of the necessary preparatory conservative treatment.

There are several options, operative treatment of varicose veins of women:

  1. Phlebectomy — the rapid removal of these varicose veins, that, since the pathology is advanced and amended.
  2. Sclerotherapy — by injecting specialist will introduce the medicine to the affected area agree, the result of which is it is glued together. On the bloodstream reaches just healthy blood vessels and glued to the way to gradually absorbed.
  3. Laser coagulation — damaged region will be affected by the laser radiation frequency profile.
  4. Radiowave therapy — the least traumatic and painless treatment method, which does not mean the hospital and rehabilitation.

Hereinafter referred to as the a favorable outcome that any of the above listed methods of treatment depends on the compliance with the patient all the recommendations and advice of the doctor. To promote the reuse must be the right lifestyle, food, rides packing the laundry, as well as equivalent distribution of work and rest.

Folk and methods

In addition to the basic treatment, which determines the medical specialist to treat varicose veins feet women are able to specifically home in the conditions, when the aid is the popular recipes. This kind of home treatment to help cope with the symptoms of varicose veins, as well as speed up the healing process.

  1. At night compresses perfectly handle the swelling, itching and pain syndrome varicose veins the. Fill compresses the head at night for 4-6 weeks, to do this, use the following ingredients:
  • cabbage leaves, to be washed and scalded with boiling water;
  • grated potatoes;
  • aloe vera juice and kalanchoe;
  • grated soap, mix a small amount of warm water;
  • a solution of apple cider vinegar with water.

Perfectly compress take a piece of cheesecloth, put it in several layers, moistened with the prepared raw materials and applied to the desired place. Compress fixative armband, which was shot in the morning.

  1. Soda, which is used for compresses, lotions and rubbing. 100 ml of water, dissolve the baking soda you can get the tool to rub the affected area, rinse these parts with water is not necessary. If there is a need to make a compress or cream this solution to dampen the swab is made from wool, applying by means of headbands feet. Course of treatment is for at least 1 month.
  2. Tincture of ginseng tonic tools. To prepare the infusion, take 600 ml of vodka and 150 grams of the dried root of the plant. Mix the ingredients, a tincture can be sent 2 weeks in a dark and cool place, constantly shaking the contents of the container. The filtered brandy 1-2 teaspoon taken on an empty stomach every day up to 4 times.

If talk of big varicose, rahvameditsiin recommends to take sodas baths for the feet. In order to 2 liters of hot water dissolve 4 tablespoons of baking soda, the solution obtained is added to the water bath. In one procedure, the duration not exceeding 20 minutes, to repeat such manipulations can be 10 times 2 times every 7-10 days.

Movement and gymnastics

If the increase in motor activity, can improve the condition and functioning of the cardiovascular diseases and the circulatory system. Doctors prescribe therapeutic flexible it patients, that the greater part of your day to spend standing. Perform complex exercises can be in the morning when loading and in the evening, that everything is going to be no more than 10 minutes.

people's treatment of varicose veins

Complex exercises against varicose consists of the following exercises:

  1. Warm up the muscles, namely, tilt the fuselage on both sides, ringliikumist head -, hand -, leg raises, can also perform the dance steps.
  2. The following exercise to perform on the carpet, for example, cycling, mixing, and thinning of the feet in the form of "scissor" lift feet from the floor and lowering, the raising and lowering of the pelvis.
  3. Stretching helps speed up the blood circulation and blood flow. It can be an exercise in plie — step squat with divorced widely in the feet. Also it would be helpful lunges forward, starting to the right, then the left foot. You can do the pulling, lying and standing.

Exercises can often, do you the patient allows the physical body condition. It is important that the exercises of the complex did not cause discomfort and pain. A more complex type of exercises, when the varicose veins of the feet is necessary to implement, under the supervision of a specialist.

If you have the patient observed in varicose veins running form, perform movement and physical education is possible only after a doctor without the consent of the special wash. Such precautions will help to protect the damaged blood vessels stretching and injury.